Weddings + Baptisms + Funerals


We believe that marriage is the most intimate relationship that a man and woman can enter into and we thank God for this wonderful life-long gift. We also praise God for the joy of beginning marriage with the celebration of the wedding day.

Your wedding day will be one of the most memorable days of your life and our Pastor Dean takes great pleasure in sharing in this day and providing you with a wedding service that not only glorifies God but caters to your individual needs.

We have four church buildings each accommodating a different number of guests from 50 to 220 and each offering a different setting.

St Thomas’ High Range seats 50

Christ Church Bong Bong seats 70

St John’s Moss Vale seats 170

Holy Trinity Berrima seats 220

Dean is also happy to officiate in an outdoor Southern Highlands wedding if that is what you would prefer.

Prior to your wedding day Dean will meet with you five times (1 hour meetings) to help IM329648you personalise the wedding service, to fill in the necessary legal paperwork, and to discuss your relationship and your upcoming marriage using the Prepare/Enrich marriage preparation course. Dean will also lead you through a marriage rehearsal (usually in the week prior to your wedding day) and hopefully have you excited and relaxed for the day itself.

Our charges for weddings are: Wedding Application form

  • $1000 – Wedding service in one of our churches.
  • $600 – Outdoor Wedding (your own venue)

For more information:

If you would like to discuss your wedding further please use the contact form on this site, email Dean Reilly at or contact the Moss Vale Anglican Church Office – 02 4868 1299


Baptism is a wonderful gift that has been given to us by Jesus to visually demonstrate that we are connected to Jesus through faith. Baptism is a public declaration by an adult or by the parents of a child that says I am a follower of Jesus.

A Baptism service is an opportunity for a Christian or a Christian family to say to their friends, family, and church family that I, or we, are committed to loving God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength and are committed to loving our neighbour as we love ourselves.

In our churches we partake in two baptism services.

Adult Baptism: We believe that the baptism of an adult is one of the greatest joys that we as a church family can share in. Baptism normally occurs soon after a man or woman declares their faith in Jesus and it gives them the public forum to announce that for the rest of their lives they will  read the bible, pray, attend church every week and love God and their neighbour. In some cases however, a man or a woman may not have been baptized following their conversion and so we would encourage them, with the knowledge that they already read the bible, pray, attend church every week, love God and their neighbour, to publicly declare their faith in Jesus through their baptism.

Infant Baptism: Infant baptism differs to the baptism of an adult because the child is usually unable to confess their own faith in Jesus. In this case we believe that the parents of the child, as is agreeable with the words of the bible, can make the baptism promises on behalf of their child. The parents, being followers of Jesus, are able to promise that they will raise their child in a home that reads the bible together, prays together, attends church every week together and loves God. In essence, the promise of the parents to raise their child in a home that loves and serves Jesus will, we pray, result in that child likewise loving and serving Jesus. In this way the baptism promises made by the parents are fulfilled through the grace and love of God when the child is able to confess their own faith in Jesus.

It is because of this understanding of Jesus’ teaching that we have made the decision to only baptise the children of parents who attend our church every week, and we encourage those who do not attend church to join our church family on Sundays or to consider a Thanksgiving service for their child.

If you have a desire to be baptised or to have your child baptised then please email Dean Reilly at or speak to him after one of our services.


If you are reading this page because you  recently lost a loved one, we extend our sincere condolences to you. Please accept our sympathies. We will endeavour to assist you at this time.

Jesus says in the Gospel of John:

‘Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. And you know the way to where I am going.” Thomas said to him, “Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?” Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’

Our hope for you at this time is that through Jesus you will indeed be comforted and your hearts will not be troubled.

Every funeral service or memorial service is an important occasion. The service provides the opportunity for people to express their grief and extend sympathy to the bereaved, to honour the person who has died, and to proclaim the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Using the framework of the Funeral Service in the Prayer Book (The Book of Common Prayer or An Australian Prayer Book) there is a great deal of flexibility and scope for shaping the occasion around the desires of the family and friends involved.

Please contact Dean Reilly at at your convenience to make any arrangements.